This morning I noticed the lovely Nathalie from Easy Peasy Kids, had posted a link on Facebook, to a story of which the headline, interested me greatly.
Read this headline:
Gwyneth Paltrow tells women to stay at home if you want to have children!
What is YOUR instant reaction?
It might be ?easy for her to say?, ?typical out of touch with reality, celebrity mother? or even ?I agree??
Now please click here and read THIS.
Please tell me, if you read ANYWHERE in that article, Gwyneth telling women to stay home if you want to have children?
As far as I can read, Gwyneth did nothing more than outline HER day, share HER views on wanting to maintain HER marriage which, for HER, means being at home, when her husband comes home.
Sure, she said to a friend that if she wants a family and to be a wife, she would have to compromise.
Nothing new there. Show me a woman who is currently juggling the demands of motherhood with ANYTHING ELSE {be it a partner,work, LIFE} who DOES NOT COMPROMISE
Only this morning I shared this picture on Facebook:
Isn?t this basically what Gwyneth was saying?
Wasn?t she being a good friend by keeping it real, sharing her honest opinion that if you want the family part, you have to compromise, it won?t all be about YOU anymore. And she is right. It won?t. Wether you are a celebrity or not. She didn?t say to her friend;
?Now listen Scarlett, about this family thing. If you want to get married and have children, you simply cannot work anymore and must stay home. So before you say YES to that 14 carat rock, think about if you want to swap your academy award winning career for staying at home with the children. Full stop. There is simply no other way. Trust me, I am Gwyneth?.
Celebrity Mother
It seems to be me that no matter what Gwyneth had said, she would have copped flak.
Had she said ?You can have it all?, mothers all over would have been declaring war on Gwyneth and her ?out of touch? view. Instead she spoke the truth, and shared HER reality, and readers are subjected to selective journalism which only adds fuel to the already out of control fire that is the competitive sport known as motherhood!
The above mentioned article appears within the ?Mother and Baby? section and I want to know WHERE are the articles of encouragement? Are mothers wanting reality AND positivity, really so far and few between? I doubt it?.
For what it is worth, I like Gwyneth Paltrow. I like that she has her finger in many pies AND like me, she can rap NWA?s ?Straight Outta Compton?! {what can I say, Rooty hill, circa 1992 & a certain white girl was obsessed with African American Music, what?s Gwyneth?s excuse?} Watch Gwyneth rap here.
OK rapping and wether you like Gwyneth or not aside, I have said it before and I say it again?
Mothers are mothers, no matter who they are, where they live or what they do. There is no such thing as a celebrity mother. It?s just another unnecessary label and depending on your view, a celeb mum is someone you look up to and wish you were like, or loathe and allow yourself to feel like shit over OR neither here nor there. SHE IS JUST ANOTHER MUM so lets RESPECT her.
When I was on Mornings with Kerri-Anne, KAK asked me about model mums, like Miranda Kerr. I told KAK ?I LOVE Mirander Kerr?. Being a mum is NOT her profession, being a model is and she has the resources to look amazing. SHE HAS TO, it is how she makes her living! {you can watch it here?}.
Don?t believe everything you read or THINK!
OK so the media is not going to stop their game of pitting mothers against one another anytime soon, so here?s the deal.
Don?t believe everything you read and more importantly, don?t believe everything you THINK!
Your thoughts control how you feel and if you read something and take it at face value, then you are going to react to selective journalism such as this. You are going to feel like no matter what you do, you could be doing better.
And my friend, we ALL have areas we think we could be doing better in. Even Gwyneth. And this in itself, is a good thing. It is essential to our growth as human beings, to be able to recognise the areas of ourselves that need improving and likewise, the areas we are doing damn fine in.
The reality is, we?re all doing the best we can and articles like this should not have the ability to make one feel as though Gwyneth is looking down on anyone, who doesn?t live the way she does. Furthermore, it is up to us, the reader, to look beyond the words on the screen and see a woman who happens to be an actress, married to a rock star, with 2 children with names we would not likely consider, who has written a cook book, hangs out with Jay-Z and Beyonce and wants to be home when said rock star comes home. No biggie.
What we see, is what the media shows us. We will never truly see Gwyneth or the mum next doors back stage either, so we must understand that their back stage is no better or worse than ours, it?s just different.
??It?s not what you look at that matters, it?s what you see.? ? Thoreau
Be sure you are SEEING ?other mothers for what they truly are, women, celebrity or not, living their life, the best way they know how! More importantly, be sure you see yourself in the same light, a woman, juggling the demands of modern motherhood, the best way YOU know how, with or without the ability to rap
PS Here is a picture of Gwyneth with a lot of books. I included it because in my opinion, it is very cool.
In fact, I want to do a picture like this. Because I like books and writing and my pyjamas oh and I want a white macbook too but they don?t make them anymore Gwyneth, wanna pass on yours to me?
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